Jennifer Aniston reconnects with iconic ‘Rachel’ haircut in new ad

Jennifer Aniston is so wrapped up in her new LolaVie haircare line she can't even remember her "Friends" character Rachel's iconic hairstyle.

In a new commercial for UberEats, Aniston is promoting her new haircare products reminding viewers they can be acquired through the delivery service.

In the advertisement, Aniston is backstage of a production where a woman is getting made up in the "Rachel" haircut, which she is quite fond of and seemingly seeing for the first time.

"That's like a little shag–I've never seen that before," she says. The woman responds saying she must know the style, as it's the "Rachel."

Aniston inquires if that is the woman's name, seemingly forgetting her longtime "Friends" role.

The actress shared the commercial on her own Instagram account with the caption, "We’ve come a long way baby… you can now get @lolavie from @ubereats and we are so excited."

LolaVie is haircare from "Naturally-Derived, Plant-Based Ingredients."

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