Jennifer Aniston Dating Friends Co-Star After Courteney Cox Played Matchmaker

Jennifer Aniston has sparked shocking dating rumors with her former Friends co-star David Schwimmer. The couple portrayed the iconic couple of Ross Gellar and Rachel Green on the show for 10 seasons. However, they may have sparked a real-life romance two decades after the show’s end. Sources claim that the pair are growing close, and that they have another fellow co-star, Courteney Cox, to thank for their budding relationship.

Recently, Aniston and Schwimmer appeared together in a Super Bowl commercial. The fan reaction was very positive. Soon after, sources told In Touch that the couple had some seriously steamy chemistry on the set of the commercial shoot. “Jen and David had a blast doing the commercial,” an insider dished. “Jen usually gets stressed out in those kinds of situations, but having David there really relaxed her. He cracks her up. The crew could sense major chemistry between them.”

Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer Brought Together by Courteney Cox?

Now, a source close to the situation tells Heat World that there is something between Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer, which is being encouraged by their mutual friend, Courteney Cox. In the past, the actors have admitted that they’ve harbored crushes on each other. However, decades later, they may have finally found their perfect timing.

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“Jennifer and David are very close platonically, and Courteney is convinced they would make a great couple,” the insider stated. “There’s no denying they have a genuine chemistry – they’re always very flirty and they have such a long history. There are very few people who Jen trusts, but David is someone she can always rely on.”

Both Aniston and Schwimmer have had their share of heartaches, including three divorces between them. In addition, the Friends cast is reportedly growing closer following the tragic death of their late co-star Matthew Perry. Perhaps Perry’s death has inspired a real-life Ross and Rachel romance as well.

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