Jennifer Aniston Admits She Still Watches Old ‘Friends’ Episodes & Cracks Up Over Bloopers From Show

While reuniting with Lisa Kudrow for Actors on Actors’, Jennifer Aniston opened up about re-watching old episodes of ‘Friends’ and why it left her hysterically laughing.

More than 16 years after Friends went off the air, Jennifer Aniston still catches up on an old episode every once in awhile! “I love it,” Jennifer told her Friends co-star, Lisa Kudrow, during a virtual catch-up for Variety’s Actors on Actors segment. “I love stumbling on a Friends episode. This one time I was with Courteney [Cox] and we were trying to find something to reference, an old Friends thing, and then we stumbled on — there’s bloopers online — and we sat there at the computer, like two nerds, watching these bloopers, laughing at ourselves.”

Lisa admitted that she’s also fallen down a rabbit hole of watching Friends bloopers, and Jennifer revealed that she can still vividly remember filming so many of the scenes. “I’ll usually remember where we broke during the scene,” she explained. “You and I would always get into these fits of laughter because you had this wonderful ability to — you were about to hit your punchline, and you would do this adorable thing where you would break.”

jennifer aniston

Sam Jones/Warner Bros Tv/Bright/Shutterstock

After they reminisced about those hilarious moments, Lisa admitted that she hasn’t been watching old episodes of Friends because she’s still holding out hope that the cast will get reunite “and watch them together.” Jennifer added, “I think it would be a lot of fun for us to do something like that.”

The Friends cast actually is set to reunite for an HBO Max special, but the filming schedule has been shifted due to the coronavirus pandemic. However, none of the cast members are aware of what’s expected to go down when they get back together. “I can’t wait to do that,” Phoebe gushed. “I really can’t wait to do that. Yeah, we don’t know everything about it, we need to say. I think we’re meant to be surprised by some things as well.”

The ladies did confirm that the reunion will not be scripted, though — they will be appearing as themselves, and not as their characters from the show. Fans have been anxiously waiting for this for quite some time, but unfortunately, the exact plans for filming and releasing the reunion special have not been confirmed just yet. It’s coming, though!

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