4 DC characters who definitely won’t be back in the DC Universe

GAL GADOT as Wonder Woman in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “WONDER WOMAN 1984,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/ ™ & © DC Comics. © 2020 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

We don't quite know what the future holds for Wonder Woman on the big screen. By far the DCEU's most successful character, there was hope that she would carry on into the DC Universe, but after reports of Patty Jenkins and DC Studios parting ways over disagreements about the direction of Wonder Woman 3 and the reported cancellation of the movie, it seems that may not be the case after all.

Gal Gadot has suggested that she will be back in the future, but subsequent reports have suggested otherwise, leaving the character's future a little bit uncertain. One thing that is certain is that she won't be a part of the DC Universe's first chapter. Gunn and Safran have already unveiled all of the titles for the first phase of the "Gods and Monsters" saga and there is no Wonder Woman project.

There is hope, however, as the Amazon prequel series is still happening and it will be a part of the DC Universe's first chapter. Thus, there is potential for Wonder Woman to be included in that world. The question is: Will the character be recast like Batman and Superman, or will there be a way to bring in the DCEU version of Wonder Woman in a later chapter.

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Don't expect to see the Amazonian warrior in the first phase of the DCU, but there is potential for her to appear in the future chapters.

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